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TECHNIA PLMIF Virtual Experience Gathers Over 2000 PLM Professionals Online | Wrap-up Session 28 May 2020 14:00-16:00 CET

19 May 2020, 15:26 CEST

TECHNIA, the #1 knowledge leaders in PLM, announced today that their online PLM conference – PLM Innovation Forum Virtual Experience 2020 – brought together over 2000 industry experts, PLM professionals and digital pioneers to network and discuss sustainable product innovation.

The PLMIF Virtual Experience is a departure from the previous standard of a physical conference and has been part of TECHNIA's sustainable development plan for some years.


Traditionally a biennial conference, TECHNIA hosts the PLM Innovation Forum to bring together the world's foremost authorities on PLM innovation. For the past few years, TECHNIA have asked that their partner, sponsors and guests join them in their mission to make product creation sustainable.

The PLMIF Virtual Experience 2020 delivered 35 industry and partner booths, 22 live streaming sessions, 90+ on demand sessions and much more to over 2000 registrants during the opening live dates of April 28th and 29th.While the entire portfolio of on demand content remains accessible to registrants for the duration of the month of May.

TECHNIA are reopening the virtual doors to their event and inviting attendees to return for the Virtual Wrap Up on May 28th 14:00-16:00 CET. This additional live day is open to all with more live streaming presentations on the PLM world's most exciting developments, Q&A sessions with industry leaders, all the industry and partner booth content, and many more opportunities for online networking.Join the digital pioneers at

"Sustainable product creation is at the heart of what we do at TECHNIA. We promise to provide our customers with measurable and sustainable business improvements, to accelerate performance and transform your vision into value." Jonas Gejer, CEO TECHNIA.



For more information:Jonas Gejer, President Addnode PLM division & CEO of TECHNIAPhone : +46 (0)733 77 24 14, e-mail : 

For media enquiries please contact:

Ghassan Sultan, CMO TECHNIA |


Want to know more? Contact us.

  • Christina Rinman

    Head of Corporate Communication and Sustainability

    +46 (0) 709 711 213
