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TECHNIA Announces Own Software Worldwide Virtual Event

25 September 2020, 17:02 CEST

TECHNIA Software PLM Innovation Forum Virtual Experience on October 14th, 2020 

TECHNIA, the #1 knowledge leaders in PLM, announced today that they will host the TECHNIA Software PLM Innovation Forum Virtual Experience on October 14th. This online event will launch in lieu of the Annual TECHNIA Software Day and follows the successes of TECHNIA's two prior Virtual Experiences in 2020. These online events saw more than 2500 delegates gather to explore and discuss the future of sustainable product development and manufacture. 

The TECHNIA Software PLMIF Virtual Experience will showcase pioneering PLM technologies designed to complement Dassault Systèmes' comprehensive portfolio of product development and manufacturing software. TECHNIA Software is developed in collaboration with clients to meet critical end-user requirements and increase the value of clients' software investment. 

[image] Join a global community of current and prospective Dassault Systèmes portfolio users and TECHNIA software users, from across all business functions to discuss, debate and innovate the latest developments in Product Lifecycle Management. 

"At TECHNIA, we learn from challenging customers and end-user feedback in our global implementation projects. These experiences are the basis for our complementing software, enabling increased productivity and end-user satisfaction while maintaining a low cost of ownership.  TECHNIA Software can assist in creating complex enterprise integrations within days or automate the homologation of a new electrical vehicle. Moving from customization to configuration of our software modules shortens project time and saves cost. This event is a great opportunity to influence our roadmap and learn more on how TECHNIA Software can enrich your PLM." 

Jonas Gejer |  CEO 

"TECHNIA Software Day is a fantastic time for us as we look forward to sharing the developments we've made to our existing portfolio. But this year we're especially excited, as we launch the Digital Adoption Solution for 3DEXPERIENCE – Light My Way. We believe that this new product provides a comprehensive solution for user onboarding and enablement. And so, we cannot wait to share this with the millions of users that can benefit from our new offering." 

Magnus Falkman | Director Software & International Services

The full agenda will run from 10am-4.30pm CEST and 11am-5.30pm EST, comprising of TECHNIA customer and partner presentations, panel discussions and digital booths, followed by interactive sessions and demonstrations on request.  

Key Speakers & Topics include: 

  • How User Experience Focus and TVC is Used for Business and User Acceptance of 3DEXPERIENCE as a Platform  | Christina Breiner Jacobsen Global Product Manager, Arla and Mikael Bruun Martinussen, Product Owner PLM, Arla 
  • Change Process Digitalization and the Digital Twin Journey at Integral Powertrain | Nigel Powell, Integral Powertrain and Andrew Early
  • Development Roadmap for myPLM with Customer Examples in the Automotive Supply Chain  | Including presentations from Rebecca Cyrén (Plastal) and André Kämpfe (Operational Services GmbH & Co. KG) 
  • 3D Engineering Efficiency (Product Roadmaps, Updates and more)  | Moderated by Martin Nölle & Arnd Feye  
  • 3DEXPERIENCE Productivity & Adoption (Product Roadmaps, Updates and more) | Moderated by Magnus Falkman & Marcus Larsson 


>> For further detials visit to register today <<


For more information: 

Jonas Gejer, President Addnode PLM division & CEO TECHNIA 

phone: +46 (0)733 77 24 14 

e-mail:    MediaEnquiries: 


For any media enquiries please contact: 

Ghassan Sultan, CMO TECHNIA


Want to know more? Contact us.

  • Christina Rinman

    Head of Corporate Communication and Sustainability

    +46 (0) 709 711 213
