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New number of votes in Addnode Group

31 March 2017, 08:00 CEST
The number of shares and votes in Addnode Group AB (publ) has changed due to the conversion of 66 073 A shares to 66 073 B shares.

According to Addnode Group's articles of association, owners of Class A shares are entitled to request that the shares be converted into B shares. In March, at the request of shareholders, 66,073 A shares were converted into 66,073 B shares. After the conversion, there were, as of March 31, 2017, the last trading day of the month, a total of 30,427,256 registered shares in Addnode Group AB. Of these, 987 174 A shares and 29,440,082 B shares. The number of votes in the company amounts to 39,311,822 based on the number of registered shares.

This information is inside information that Addnode Group AB (publ) is obliged make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08.00 March 31, 2017


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  • Christina Rinman

    Head of Corporate Communication and Sustainability

    +46 (0) 709 711 213
