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Helena Nathhorst new CFO of Addnode Group

28 March 2017, 08:30 CEST
Helena Nathhorst has been appointed new CFO of Addnode Group AB and will take office by 27 September 2017 latest. Helena is currently CFO of Teracom Group. Addnode Group’s current CFO Johan Andersson will take over as President and CEO of Addnode Group May 4, 2017.

Helena Nathhorst is for the past three years CFO of Teracom Group, where she was previously responsible for Business Control and Treasury. Before Teracom Helena has worked ten years as a Director at KPMG Transaction Services.

– I am pleased to welcome Helena Nathhorst to Addnode Group. Her experience as CFO and acquisition processes means that she will be a strong addition to the management team at Addnode Group, says Johan Andersson, CFO and incoming CEO of Addnode Group.


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  • Christina Rinman

    Head of Corporate Communication and Sustainability

    +46 (0) 709 711 213
