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Addnode Group delivers proprietary software to a major authority within the defense and security sector

30 September 2016, 08:30 CEST
STOCKHOLM SEPTEMBER 30, 2016. Ida Infront, a subsidiary to Addnode Group, has signed a new agreement with a major authority within the defense and security sector, covering deliverance of the proprietary case management software, iipax. The agreement includes implementation and support during five years with an extension possibility of two more years. The five-year agreement has an order value of approximately USD 0.5 million.

The authority has signed an agreement with Ida Infront, a subsidiary to Addnode Group. The agreements covers user licenses, implementation and support of the company's proprietary software, iipax.

–        The agreement is a proof that our proprietary software is the first hand choice when it comes to managing information even at a high security level, says Andreas Wikholm, President of Addnode Group Process Management.

Ida Infront is a part of Addnode Groups business area Process Management. 


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  • Christina Rinman

    Head of Corporate Communication and Sustainability

    +46 (0) 709 711 213
