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Addnode Group: Acquisition of SaaS company Netpublicator strengthens offering in document- and case management

01 July 2020, 12:01 CEST

STOCKHOLM, July 1, 2020 – Addnode Group has today acquired the system supplier Netpublicator Apps AB ("Netpublicator"), which develops SaaS services for digital document- and meeting management in conjunction with public administration meetings. The company's net sales in 2019 amounted to about SEK 16 million, with good profitability.

Netpublicator provides SaaS services for digital distribution of documents, register of elected officials, digital signing and video meetings, focusing on political assembly processes. The services are used by about 100 municipalities and regions, and by some 60 companies, unions, foundations and similar organisations.

– Netpublicator is an important piece in our investment in innovative IT solutions for a more efficient and effective public administration. We have long known the company as a partner to the Addnode company Sokigo, which provides document- and case management systems for Swedish municipalities, regions and government authorities. Now that we gather the competence within the same family, we will be even better positioned to help our customers reach their high-set goals for digital management, says Andreas Wikholm, division President for Process Management.

Contract signing and completion took place today July 1, 2020 and Netpublicator will be consolidated as part of Addnode Group's Process Management division. As of today, Addnode Group has acquired 50.1 percent of the shares in Netpublicator for a cash consideration, which is financed through Addnode Group's existing credit facilities. The remaining 49.9 percent will be acquired incrementally in 2021, 2022 and 2023, respectively, where final purchase prices are determined based on Netpublicator's financial results.


Want to know more? Contact us.

  • Christina Rinman

    Head of Corporate Communication and Sustainability

    +46 (0) 709 711 213
