About us
Number of countries in which Addnode Group operates
19Addnode Group consists of three divisions, active in 19 countries across four continents. The Group has a market-leading position in Europe and the USA as a provider of software and services for design, construction and manufacturing. In Europe, the Group also has a strong market position in digital solutions for product data, project collaboration and facility management. In Swedish public administration, Addnode Group is a leading provider of document and case management systems.
Number of PEOPLE in our Companies
2,700We are a knowledgeable business driving forward and evolving thanks to the hard work, innovation and commitment of employees that want to grow with us. Expansion is often challenging, and we’re a company that have averaged five acquisitions per year. Combined with organic growth, we have been able to double our size every five years. Addnode Group is a platform for managers and employees that enjoy growth. Our decentralised business and management model is crucial for maintaining enthusiasm.
Zero!Our acquisition strategy is long term and designed to complement our existing operations and develop offerings for our markets. As the Group has grown, so have the scale of our acquisitions. Since our start-up in 2003, Addnode Group has completed almost 80 acquisitions.